CCDOR Administrative Core
Administrative Officer: Nancy Rettmann, MS; 612.467.2781
Nancy has worked in CCDOR since 2002 where she started as a research coordinator. She transitioned to administrative work, first with the Polytrauma and Blast-Related Injuries QUERI and now with the CCDOR Administrative Team.
Special Assistant: Jill Mahal-Lichty; 612.467.1979
Jill has been with CCDOR as a Special Assistant since 2006. Prior to working at the VA, she worked for Northwest Airlines for 19 years and is a 21-year MN Army National Guard Veteran.
Staff Assistant: Brittany Majeski; 612.629.7663
Brittany has been with CCDOR since 2017. Before joining the Admin team in 2020, she worked as a project staff on a variety of projects, including research studies on chronic pain, a national VHA quality improvement project, and systematic reviews for the Minneapolis Evidence Synthesis Program.